
Welcome to Lionzbride Ministry

We look forward to sharing with you the experience of reaching and ministering to those in prison.  We pray that you will be blessed by what you see.

In 1994 Constance began ministering in prisons singing and playing guitar. It quickly turned into 7 years of volunteer chaplaincy … Lionzbride has ministered in Louisiana and Texas in worship services, plays, dramas, song writing seminars, marriage and parenting classes, special visitation days (“Day with Dad” and “Day with Mom”), step down, seg, grad, baptisms, concerts, and whatever else He says, however He leads.

If you would like to partner with this ministry, please help us with your Donations. Thank you and God Bless!

Ministering on Suicide Watch
Hughes Unit
Ministering with an Inmate Band

Our Mission: Lionzbride Ministry hopes to inspire change in the lives of incarcerated people, by sharing God’s message. We believe everyone has a right to know God’s Word and we desire to share His Word in whatever method possible, such as: sponsoring special visitation days, worship services, teaching classes, arts programs, or any method allowed by the prison system.